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Project information

Definition of new reliability metrics and de-rating methodologies for the Colombian electricity market

P. Mastropietro P. Rodilla P. Brito-Pereira L.A. Barroso C. Batlle

October 2019 - January 2020

Funding entity Comisión de Regulación de Energía y Gas (CREG)

Participated by PSR-DiAvante, Carlos Batlle

The objective of this project is to present an integral approach to the reliability problem for the Colombian electricity market and to define new de-rating metodologies that allow to calculate the real contribution of each technology to the security of electricity supply. The project also presents some simplifications of the integral approach and focuses on six specific technologies: i) large-scale self-generators, ii) cogeneration, iii) generation from solid waste, iv) self-dispatched plants, v) intermittent and variable energy sources, and vi) battery storage.